Monday, February 8, 2010

A Special Surprise

This morning the children from all three classes were brought to the gathering room for a special surprise....
Farmer Sarah had come for a visit and brought 12 eggs with her. The chick project begins today! Sarah showed the children how the eggs need to be kept in an incubator with water and light, for moisture and warmth.
She then told the children they will need to help the teachers turn the eggs three times a day, and soon they will hatch!
She showed us pictures of what the baby chicks look like inside the egg, including their "egg tooth," which they use to crack out of their egg when they're ready to hatch. She then explained how to care for the baby chicks, by feeding them and giving them fresh water every day.

Next she introduced the parents of the 12 eggs, Robert the Rooster and Rachel the Hen.
Sarah surprised the children by doing a REAL rooster sound, which was loud and very silly, and doesn't sound much like "cock-a-doodle-doo" at all!
The children asked questions about the rooster and hen, the baby chicks, and life on the farm. Farmer Sarah talked about how the rooster protects his family, and what kinds of food they like to eat. The kids were captivated!
In the coming weeks we'll be updating the blog on the progress of the baby chicks. Check back soon!

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